How to have a meaningful life without kids – Part 4/5 – Help the vulnerable How can you create a meaningful life without kids? Help others. So far in this series, we’ve looked at some specific ways you can create a meaningful life without raising children. In this article I’m going to focus on developing […]
Author Archives: Lilli Blackmore
Learn & Teach – A Meaningful Life without Kids
How to have a meaningful life without kids – Part 3/5 – Learn and Teach One of the most fulfilling ways to live is to continue your education every day of your life, and pass what you know onto others. Education is what helps us grow as human beings, to continue our spiritual, mental, and […]
Volunteer – A Meaningful Life Without Kids
Part 2/5 in the Meaningful Life series Want a meaningful life without kids? Volunteer. For those looking to build a fulfilling life without kids, volunteering your time is vital. If volunteering doesn’t sound like your thing, remember that there’s more to it than soup kitchens and dog walking (both of which are incredibly helpful, by […]
How to Have a Meaningful Life without Kids
Part 1/5: Why you don’t need kids to be fulfilled. The Myth: “Your life just doesn’t have meaning until you have kids.” One of the many warnings matronly women like to give childfree women and couples is that their lives will be shallow without children. Sure, you can do whatever you want now, but all […]
10 Things Every Single Woman Should Do
Shh, don’t spill the beans, but single women are actually, secretly, living the life. Well, not all of us. Some of us are married women deep down who just haven’t found their husbands (or properly wrangled their boyfriends). That segment of the single population is trying to live the married life in a single status, […]
Why Your Friends Can’t Understand You Don’t Want Kids
“Maybe you just don’t realize you want children.” If you’re a childfree woman, you’ve almost certainly been told that having children is normal. That you’ll regret it if you don’t. That you secretly want children deep, deep down inside. If you’re beginning to feel like it might not be so bad to give in to […]
The Single, Introverted Woman
Why drinking alone is perfectly fine. We all know the sad image of the lone woman arriving home to an empty house after work. She pets her cat(s), microwaves a meal, and spends the rest of the evening watching TV all by her poor, lonely self. She has dozens of take out menus, no friends’ […]
Springtime Giveaway Announced
It’s time for another giveaway here at The American Spinster! This time the prize is a set of Mama and Baby Cat plushies from The Toy Cove: These sweet little cats make great home decor pieces or a perfect set of toys. They stand 11” (adult) and 8.5” (kitten) tall, and are weighted at the […]
Wishing Your Way To Financial Freedom: The Disney Princess Method of Financial Planning
Can I tell you a secret? I’m actually a pretty big Disney fan. I know that nowadays we look back on the old Disney princess movies and say how un-feminist they are, but I think that’s a bit of an over-generalization. None of the princesses actually wait around passively for a rescuer (unless you count […]
Investing In What You Buy
Every item you purchase can be an investment, from a loaf of bread to a new computer. So what are the best ways to invest when you buy? Food Food is pretty much a one-time deal. You buy it, eat it, and that’s the end of that money. However, what you eat isn’t just a […]