The solo life can get pretty expensive. Find out how to manage your money as a single, childfree woman. Why Having Kids Is Not a Retirement Plan Who’s going to take care of you when you get old? How to Live Solo Without Going Broke Getting your own space doesn’t have to cost you a […]
Category Archives: Finances
Why Having Kids Is Not A Retirement Plan
One of the most common questions I get when people learn I’m childfree is, “Who’s going to take care of you when you’re older?” The presumption is that by having children, one is guaranteed to have an end-of-life caregiver. The problem is, it rarely works out that way. So not only is having kids for […]
Wishing Your Way To Financial Freedom: The Disney Princess Method of Financial Planning
Can I tell you a secret? I’m actually a pretty big Disney fan. I know that nowadays we look back on the old Disney princess movies and say how un-feminist they are, but I think that’s a bit of an over-generalization. None of the princesses actually wait around passively for a rescuer (unless you count […]
Investing In What You Buy
Every item you purchase can be an investment, from a loaf of bread to a new computer. So what are the best ways to invest when you buy? Food Food is pretty much a one-time deal. You buy it, eat it, and that’s the end of that money. However, what you eat isn’t just a […]
The Financial Book List for Single, Childfree Women
As a single woman, you’ve got to plan for your own financial future. This book list is a great place to start. The Financial Needs of Single, Childfree Women As I was preparing this financial how-to series, I came across a number of books about women and finances. And you know what I noticed? Not […]
Growing Your Savings: A Spinster’s Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Interest
You’re bringing home a paycheck, paying off the bills, and setting money aside every month like a responsible adult. But is that money doing anything other than waiting for a rainy day? Your saved money ought to be earning you more money. If it’s not, it needs to start. First off, let me say I’m […]
How to Live Solo (without going broke)
Let’s not beat about the bush; living alone is expensive. While there are many wonderful aspects of living alone, the price tag definitely isn’t one of them. How can middle- to low-income spinsters maintain domestic independence without going broke or renting a room in Cracktown? 1. Plan, Plan, Then Plan Some More While you don’t […]
The Spinster Financial Series
The idea of a single, childfree woman usually conjures images of a wealthy woman at a high-paying job who attends the gym regularly. She can often be seen with shopping bags in one hand and the latest phone in the other, heading into Starbucks to buy whatever the most expensive coffee on the menu is. […]
Spinster How-To: Buying Car Insurance
American Spinster How-To: Buying Car Insurance I was going to post something different today, but last night I was involved in a hit-and-run accident, and the fact that I had the right insurance saved me a lot of money and grief. If you own a car, you need insurance. Many insurance companies today let you […]