A little public service announcement regarding mental health, courtesy of the American Spinster.
Author Archives: Lilli Blackmore
The Seedless Grape
You Don’t Need What You’re Waiting For

If there’s one great secret wonder of being a spinster, it’s this: You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. And I’m not just talking about sex on the kitchen floor. Most of my friends talk about what they would do if they had a child, or if they had a girl, or if […]
Why You’re Not Selfish For Not Having Kids

Are childfree people selfish? This belief seems to be widely accepted, even though there’s not much evidence for it. The idea that not having kids makes you a bad person is harmful, and not just to childfree people. I believe it could sway people who don’t truly want kids to have them, and that doesn’t […]
How To Be The Cool Aunt

Who is the cool aunt? Lots of families have one. You may have had one growing up. That one, childless aunt who always gave the best presents. The one who, in contrast to all the other grown ups, paid attention to what you were saying and listened to your side in a dispute. The one […]