Housewarming Gifts for Single Women

Is a young woman in your life getting ready to strike out on her own? Here’s The American Spinster’s Top 5 list of best housewarming gifts for single women.
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In the world of the white picket fence, young adults get married, move into their first home, and receive housewarming gifts from their friends and loved ones. But today, more and more people are going solo; that is, deciding to live alone. What do we do then?

Why isn’t moving out on one’s own treated with the same congratulations and support as is moving in with a partner? Living solo is expensive, and single women living alone could use a little financial help in the form of some thoughtful housewarming gifts.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

When I sat down to write this article, I thought, “Psh. Single women need the same things that married couples do!” But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there are a few important things to keep in mind when buying housewarming gifts for single women.

{This post is filled with items I highly recommend. That mean it contains carefully selected affiliate links. Please read my full affiliate links disclosure here.}

The Best Housewarming Gifts for Single Women

The last thing you want to do when you’re giving someone housewares is to decorate their home for them in a style they don’t like. One way to get around this is to take your solo woman to Pier 1 Imports, Rooms To Go or some store like that. Pay attention to what she seems to like. Of course, if you can, the best thing is to simply ask what they want. But if that’s not possible, try the following.

1. Security Bar

I’ve used this exact bar every day for the last 7 years, and I can’t recommend it enough.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

After a maintenance worker let himself into my apartment while I was sitting at my computer in my robe, my dad bought me this Master Lock Security Bar. Even when someone has a key, this bar keeps the door securely in place.

This is great for anyone, but especially people living in a rental, or anywhere where someone else has a key. If you’re worried about your solo woman living on her own, give her this security bar.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

Master Lock Security Bar, Adjustable Door Security Bar – $16

2. Cookware Set

Even if your solo friend or family member doesn’t really cook, she’ll still need a few pots and pans.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

I don’t own this particular set from HÜLLR, but the one I have is very similar. It has two saucepans, two pots, two frying pans, plus measuring cups, pot holders, and all the basic cooking utensils. It’s also a pretty good deal at approximately $50.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

HULLR Aluminum Nonstick All In One Kitchen Cookware Set – $50

3. Dining Ware

While we’re talking about cookware, we might as well look at dining ware. When I moved out, I decided I didn’t want a set of dishes. I wanted a to scrounge my dining ware from thrift stores, making sure no two plate were the same. And while this boho aesthetic can be fun, it’s also pretty inconvenient. If I’d thought about how I was going to store and use these plates and bowls—all of various sizes and shapes—I’d have picked something a bit more uniform.

Housewarming gifts for single women | The American Spinster

Knowing what I know now, I think this set from Better Homes and Gardens is just about perfect. I like this set because it’s not just a bland white but it’s not too stylized. It has a variety of colors in a fairly neutral design. Best of all, it’s something your single family member can easily add to later on.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

Better Homes and Gardens Festival 12-Piece Dinnerware Set – $40

4. Flatware

And, of course, if she’s got something to cook with and eat on, she needs something to eat with. I love this economical flatware set because it’s neutral without being bland, and these utensils from Cambridge Silversmiths are pretty dang hardy.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

Cambridge Silversmiths Jubilee Black 16 Piece Flatware Set – $20

5. Towels

Why are people so reluctant to give towels as housewarming gifts? If your single woman friend or relative doesn’t have a lot of extra cash, she’ll probably do what I did and get the economy towels on sale at Kohl’s for $2.99 a piece. And that’s fine. But if you want to give her something nice, get a luxury towel or two.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

I don’t own a set of these Turkish towels, but I recently stayed with someone who did. And they are amazing. These are exactly the sort of housewarming gifts that thrifty single women won’t buy for themselves, but will absolutely love to use.

If you know what color she wants her bathroom to be, go with that. If not, get white or ivory to keep things neutral.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

Classic Turkish Towels 3 Piece Luxury Bath Sheet Set – $60

Did you find this list helpful? What are some ideal housewarming gifts for single women living solo? Let me know in the comments below.

Housewarming Gifts for Single Women | The American Spinster

Some of these images are provided by Kaboompics. The rest are either my own or from

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