So how can you enjoy eating alone?
Take Your Time
First and foremost, set aside a few moments to eat. I’m definitely guilty of balancing a microwaved meal at my computer, but this is not the time to multi-task. If you eat while distracted, you don’t notice the taste and texture of your food the way you can when you’re focused on it. That means you enjoy it less (which can lead to eating more). Beyond that, it also contributes to unnecessary weight gain. Eating only needs to take ten minutes out of your day, so give your health the time it deserves.
Eat Something Tasty
It’s difficult to enjoy any meal, especially a solitary one, when you don’t like the food. Part of self care is eating food that both you and your body love, so make sure whatever you grab is something delicious. If you’re not sure how to fit a scrumptious meal for one into your day, check out How to Enjoy Cooking for One.
Presentation is Everything
One of the reasons meals eaten around a dinner table so enjoyable is because the food is well-presented. As I mentioned earlier, I’m definitely guilty of eating right out of the freezer tray, but it’s important to take the time to pop it on a plate.
Clear Out the Clutter
While you’re at it, try to make sure you’re eating in a pleasant area. If you can barely fit your food in between towers of books and unopened mail on the kitchen table, that’s not exactly an upscale atmosphere. Whether you’re sitting at a dining room table or a comfy couch, make sure you’re eating in a peaceful environment.
Listen to Music
I know I just got done telling you to cut out the distractions, but music can be an exception. If you’re the type to get restless and antsy without anything to occupy your mind, some background music usually helps. Just turn on a favorite song to help keep your mind from wandering away from your meal.
Putting it All Together
Each of these small changes will only add a few minutes to your day, but the results will be amazing! Pausing to eat a delicious, well-presented meal in a distraction-free environment will do wonders for your mental and physical states. Moreover, what was once a dull or rushed 5 minute meal can become one of the most enjoyable parts of your day.
Have you tried implementing these changes? Let us know in the comments below how it worked for you.
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