How to Like Being Single (in 30 days)

Has the New Year found you flying solo again? What if you could learn to like being single? I’ve created a FREE 30-day email course that will help you see your solitary life with new eyes. Take the challenge and change your life by signing up below.
How Can You Like Being Single?

Could a 30-day email course really help you change your outlook on the solo life? This one can.

So many “pro-single” sentiments are about making the best of an unfortunate situation. Instagram quotes tell you that you’re still worthwhile, even though you’re single. Facebook posts say you’re just at a higher level than all of your potential partners. And those encouraging tweets insist that God is preparing you for your perfect partner.

What if, instead of learning to keep a stiff upper lip while you endure this ‘single season,’ you could learn to enjoy it? Can you imagine feeling delighted to wake up alone?

What would it be like to like being single?

How to Like Being Single | 30-Day FREE Email Course

Will This Course Really Work?

In 30 Days to Love Being Single, I teach you how get genuine joy out of your solo life. Each day you’ll receive a new note in your inbox, providing an insight into the joys, advantages, and opportunities your single life is offering.

Why 30 days? Because if you do something consistently for 30 days, it becomes a habit. And shifting your mindset is all about creating new, healthier habits. Instead of habitually responding to your solo status with negativity, you’ll learn to make a positive, solo outlook your new normal.

Learn to like being single with a free email course from The American Spinster.

3 Things You’ll Love About This Course

I know you’re too busy to waste your time with anything that doesn’t make your life better. That’s why I made sure this course will genuinely help you like being single without taking up too much time.

My 30-day email course is:

1. Short & Sweet

The emails are brief and the challenges typically only require a few minutes of your time. You won’t need to clear your schedule to commit to this course.

2. Encouraging

You won’t find a single line of relationship-bashing sentiment in the course. I’ll never prompt you to look down on coupled people or to see solo people as superior. If you need to put someone else’s life or lifestyle down in order to feel better about yours, you’re going about it all wrong.

My course is all about learning to see the good in your solo life, not picking out the bad in the alternatives.

3. Powerful

The challenges may be small, but their impact is significant. Shifting your mindset so that you like being single can change your life more radically than finding a partner ever could. Don’t believe me? Give it a try.

30 Days to LOVE Being Single | FREE Email Course

What’s Holding You Back?

If you’re like I was, you’re probably a little bit afraid that you could actually learn to like being single. Everything in our society tells us that anyone who’s happy alone is self-deceived and pitiable.  But I believe it’s only when you can like being single that you can form healthy relationships with others.

Loving your solo life doesn’t mean shutting the door on future romance. The only thing you’ll need to give up when you take this course is the self-pity you feel about being ‘alone.’

Isn’t it time you started loving the life you’ve got? Go ahead: Sign up now.

For more resources on how to like being single, check out my other posts on the topic.

Learn to Like Being Single in 30 Days | The American Spinster

Images are provided by Kaboompics.

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