
Who We Are

The American Spinster is a community for unmarried, childfree women (bachelors are welcomed too), who are so by choice. If you’re here because you’re single, but not exactly thrilled about it, I encourage you to take a look around and see why ‘single’ isn’t the default status option.

Historically, spinsters were unmarried women who earned their own wage (at one time your only choices were get married, become a nun, or learn to spin). Only over time has it taken on the less-pleasant connotation of dowdy sister who couldn’t find a husband (I’m looking at you, Edith Crawly).

What We Do

Mommy blogs connect moms to moms, and provide helpful lifestyle advice. Likewise, The American Spinster is simply a place for the happily footloose and fancy-free to congregate. It seems like we’re in the minority. In all likelihood, most of your friends have children or husbands. And that’s great, but sometimes the conversations go stale or get awkward when moms and non-moms can’t find much common ground.

And of course, we’re here to offer one another support for dealing with parents, friends, and co-workers who just can’t get over the fact that you aren’t depressed that your life is so utterly barren (pun intended).

So make yourself at home. Browse the forum, read a few blogs, book reviews, or comics. My spinster sister, you have found your people.

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